
Grand Canyon Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

'Voters see the current rate as unacceptable': Arizona crime rate at six year high


Arizona crime rate at six year high | Pixabay

Arizona crime rate at six year high | Pixabay

Crime is at a six-year high, and the crime rate is still on the rise in Arizona. According to a new Gallup survey, for the first time since 2016, a majority of Americans say they are greatly worried about crime.

As a Washington Post columnist asserts, this is the unfortunate opinion of voters across the board. In Arizona, the violent crime rate was reported to be one of the top ten highest in the country in 2020.

"While overall crime has not reached levels seen in the 1980s and ’90s, the homicide rate has been increasing in recent years. Whatever the relative crime rate, voters see the current rate as unacceptable," Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin said on April 18. 

Results of an April Gallup survey showed that 53% of Americans personally worry a "great deal" about crime in the United States-- a finding that represents the first time since 2016 that a "great deal" of worry has reached the majority. Another 27% said that they worry a "fair amount," which places the issue of crime close to the top of the list of 14 national issues -- behind just inflation and the economy. This news comes as crime has continued to be on the increase throughout the country.

Back in October 2021, a Gallup survey resulted demonstrated that 51% of Americans said there is more crime in their local area, up from 38% in 2020. The website also said that the last time a majority of Americans perceived crime as being increasing in their area was in 2009, and the last time it went above 51% was in 1992 (then 54%). Rubin says that it is not only White Republicans who worry about increases in crime, citing a recent Pew Research Center poll which showed that among Black voters, 17% identified crime or violence as their number one issue.

Rubin says the president and other Democrats have been treating crime as just a firearm concern. She says President Biden's actions are usually framed in terms of "gun restrictions", as he recently issued an executive order to stop the spread of ghost guns. Ghost guns are said to be the new weapon of choice for criminals because of their lack of a serial number and ability to be bought without buyers going through a background check, according to POLITICO. 

Biden's new ghost gun rule "requires new background checks and serial numbers" in order to purchase. Just 38% of voters approve of the president’s handling of crime, according to an April ABC-Ipsos poll. A two-day national poll in June by Reuters/Ipsos showed that 52% of Americans disapprove of Biden's job performance. Behind economic concerns, crime is the second most important issue concerning Americans.

In Arizona, there were 485 violent crimes for every 100,000 citizens in 2020. This number represents the 3rd biggest violent crime rate in the West and the 9th highest nationwide. In 2020, the violent crime rate in the state went up by 6.5% as opposed to 2019, slightly more than the national increase of 5%.