
Grand Canyon Times

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Senate Republicans criticize governor over funding allocation after campaign donations

Senate Republicans condemn Katie Hobbs for rewarding dysfunctional group home

PHOENIX, ARIZONA— Senate Republicans have criticized Governor Katie Hobbs following a report revealing her allocation of millions in taxpayer dollars to a group home that had contributed to her campaign.

The report highlighted donations from Sunshine Residential Homes amounting to approximately $400,000. These funds were directed towards the Arizona Democratic Party, Hobbs' gubernatorial campaign, and her inauguration fund. Following these contributions, Hobbs' Department of Child Services (DCS) approved a nearly 60% increase in the daily rate Sunshine Residential Homes charges to care for a child. Sunshine Residential Homes was the only provider granted this increase, while other providers were denied pay raises and more than a dozen were removed from the state's system.

Sunshine Residential Homes is under scrutiny for the 2022 death of a 9-year-old boy who died after being taken into their custody and not receiving necessary diabetes medication. Litigation between the child's family and the facility is ongoing.

"This is a disgusting abuse of taxpayer dollars to further her political career, and our hardworking citizens deserve answers as to how she got away with this," said Senate President Pro Tempore T.J. Shope, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services. "Knowing Arizona's Governor and the Arizona Democratic Party are providing preferential treatment to a facility alleged to have engaged in negligence leading to the death of a child is unconscionable."

"Arizonans deserve to know how their elected officials are spending their money, and this case raises a major red flag with what's happening behind closed doors on the ninth floor," said Senate President Warren Petersen. "With the state in the middle of a budget shortfall, and with what appears to be a pay-to-play scheme now exposed, the Legislature has a lot of questions we will be seeking answers to from both the Governor's office and DCS."

For more information, contact:

Kim Quintero

Director of Communications | Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus
