
Grand Canyon Times

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Court rules against Katie Hobbs in director nominations dispute

Senator Jake Hoffman Responds to Court Ruling on Katie Hobbs' Unlawful Scheme to Circumvent Senate Confirmation Process on Director Nominations

PHOENIX, ARIZONA— In response to today's court ruling on Arizona State Senate v. Katie Hobbs, where Judge Scott Blaney determined Katie Hobbs violated state law by failing to nominate directors for Senate confirmation, Senator Jake Hoffman, Chairman for the Senate Committee on Director Nominations, issued the following statement:

"Today Judge Blaney correctly slapped Katie Hobbs' illegal attempt to circumvent the constitutional check and balance of the senate confirmation process," said Senator Hoffman. "The Senate Committee on Director Nominations has said from day one that our objective is to ensure an honest, accurate, and thorough vetting of Katie Hobbs' nominees to lead state agencies, and we’ve done precisely that."

"I look forward to continuing our confirmation hearings in the near future now that much needed clarity on the law has been provided by the courts to Hobbs and her staff," said Senator Hoffman. "If Katie wishes to continue her petulant insults against me and to play petty political games, so be it; but I'm going to continue faithfully fulfilling my duty to the people of this great state to ensure that we have a sane government that works for every Arizonan."

For more information, contact:

Kim Quintero

Director of Communications | Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus
