
Grand Canyon Times

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Catholic Vote President: 'Parents' rights to be intimately involved in what goes on in school classrooms is fundamental to education'

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Brian Burch | Provided Photo

Brian Burch | Provided Photo

Catholic Vote President Brian Burch said Arizona should be proud of their recent high ranking by the Parent Power Index as parental involvement in the classroom is "fundamental to education."

"Parents' rights to be intimately involved in what goes on in school classrooms is fundamental to education,” Burch told Grand Canyon Times. “Arizona should be proud of this ranking from the Center for Education Reform, and in light of the current governor's hostility to parental rights, parents there must work to ensure they do not lose ground."

In the Center for Education Reform's 2024 Parent Power Index, Arizona secured the second position, underscoring the state's commitment to empowering families in education decision-making.

With an Overall Parent Power Index Score of 92.7%, Arizona is noted for parental influence in the educational landscape, according to a Grand Canyon Times report.

The index, designed to assess the degree of parental power in each state, highlights key indicators such as Choice Programs, Charter Schools and Innovation. 

Arizona excels across these categories, scoring notably high in Choice Programs with a 95%, reflecting a robust framework that enables families to choose educational paths tailored to their needs.

Furthermore, the state's Charter Schools score of 92% underscores the success of its charter school system, providing alternative educational options for students and families.

Arizona's commitment to innovation in education is also evident, with an Innovation score of 88%, showcasing the state's dedication to fostering creative and personalized learning environments.

While Florida claims the top spot with a 93% overall score, Arizona's strong performance solidifies its position as a leader in education empowerment. 

States like Indiana, Ohio, and North Carolina follow closely behind in the top rankings, emphasizing a national trend towards prioritizing parental involvement in education.

The Parent Power Index serves as a valuable resource for families across the country, offering insights into state-level educational policies and opportunities. 

Through the index's interactive map, parents can explore the status of parental empowerment in their state and discover avenues to advocate for greater involvement and choice in education.

As the educational landscape continues to evolve, Arizona remains at the forefront of empowering families to make informed decisions about their children's education, ensuring that no family's income level, zip code, or academic achievement dictates educational opportunity.

“The entrepreneurial attitude of leaders at every level in the pioneering Grand Canyon state has shaped the most innovative pathways for education of any state, and created an environment for personalized and 21st century education that puts students first and treats families as their most important allies in shaping their education,” the Parent Power Index notes. “From their liberal charter law which once had the scorn of even charter advocates (until they showed better education growth than "preferred" states) to their first in the nation statewide, universal ESA, Arizona is the nation's parent power Salutatorian.” 

Despite its overall praise for the state, Parent Power Index was quick to criticize Gov. Katie Hobbs. 

“Upon election in 2022, some were hopeful that the new Governor would respect parent power, even if she were opposed to the state’s plentiful education choice options. Hobbs instead began a series of attempts to severely rollback Arizona's popular Empowerment Scholarships program, including making a majority of the state’s families ineligible to have options for their students. When that did not come to pass, her Administration began attacking the program by adding bureaucratic layers, resulting in a frustrating enrollment process for families and often delaying critical payments that challenge schools,” Parent Power Index said in its assessment of the state’s “Policy Environment.” 

Arizona saw its highest marks on Choice Programs, including scholarships, vouchers and tax credits, which received an impressive score of 95%, earning an A grade and ranking second nationwide. 

Parent Power Index notes Arizona's approach to education empowers families to select the best schooling options for their children, positioning the state as a trailblazer in parental choice and educational freedom.

The group in part attributes Arizona’s score to its expansion of Education Savings Accounts (ESAs), establishing Arizona as a leader in education opportunity, with 10% of students opting for personalized learning despite opposition from teachers unions. 

The state boasts five choice programs enacted between 1997 and 2012, including tax-credit scholarships and ESAs, catering to various student needs and income levels. 

Madison, Wisconsin-based Catholic Vote is an advocacy organization that wants to “inspire every Catholic in America to live out the truths of our faith in public life,” according to the group’s website. Founded in 2008, its president is Brian Burch.