
Grand Canyon Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

ADOT to host virtual meetings about Long Range Transportation Plan

Karsten wurth rafblrbne3o unsplash

Road Going | Unsplash by Karsten Würth

Road Going | Unsplash by Karsten Würth

The Arizona Department of Transportation will host two virtual public meetings as part of the agency’s efforts to gather input for the development of the next state Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).

The first of the two LRTP virtual meetings will take place on Thursday, March 9, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Online registration is available via this virtual meeting link(link is external).

When finalized this summer, the 2050 LRTP will include priorities and a vision for Arizona’s transportation system over the next two-and-a-half decades. ADOT has received public comments over the last two weeks during meetings held in Phoenix and Tucson. A third in-person meeting is scheduled Wednesday, March 8, from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Flagstaff Aquaplex, 1702 N. Fourth Street in Flagstaff.

ADOT will host a second virtual meeting — a telephone town hall about the LRTP — at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 22. Meeting details are available at adot2050plan.com/get-involved(link is external). 

In accordance with state and federal requirements, ADOT is responsible for updating the LRTP every five years to reflect changing transportation challenges and conditions. The plan is not project specific. It is a policy document that establishes broad goals, objectives and strategies as ADOT works with partners, including cities and regional planning agencies, to maintain and enhance the transportation system. The LRTP serves as a guide for future transportation decisions.

Public input will be used, along with information about anticipated future funding sources and system needs, to develop LRTP recommendations over the next few months. A draft version of the LRTP will be available for public review and additional comments before it is presented for adoption by the State Transportation Board. That presentation to the board is anticipated in June. To learn more about the plan visit adot2050plan.com.

Original source can be found here.