
Grand Canyon Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Sinema, Lankford Discuss Securing Arizona’s Border on Fox News Tonight

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Senator Kyrsten Sinema | alternet.org

Senator Kyrsten Sinema | alternet.org

TUCSON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema, Chair of the Border Management Subcommittee, and Ranking Member James Lankford (R-Okla.) spoke about their Congressional delegation tour of Arizona’s border – meeting with non-profits, Border Patrol Agents, and other local leaders following the end of Title 42 – on yesterday’s Fox News Tonight.

The Senators’ tour continues today in Nogales, Arizona, where Sinema and Lankford will visit the DeConcini Port of Entry to assess post-Title 42 operations and procedures, and participate in a line tour with members of the U.S. Border Patrol.

Sinema and Lankford’s trip to Nogales is the latest in a series of visits to the border. In January, Sinema led the largest bipartisan delegation in recent memory of U.S. Senators to the Southwest border in El Paso, Texas, and Yuma, Arizona, to see firsthand the ongoing humanitarian and security crisis that Arizona border communities experience every day. Last month, Sinema led a Congressional delegation to the Southwest border near Naco to continue focusing on lasting bipartisan solutions to the border crisis.

Click HERE to watch the Senators’ interview.



Original source can be found here.