
Grand Canyon Times

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Arizona Senate passes Secure the Border Act; heads to House

Senate Republicans Pass Secure the Border Act, Heads to House for Final Vote

PHOENIX, ARIZONA— In response to Governor Katie Hobbs blocking several attempts by state Republican lawmakers to address border-related crimes, Senate Republicans have announced the passage of the Secure the Border Act from the Senate. This measure now proceeds to the House for a final vote before being presented on the November ballot for Arizona voters' approval.

The Secure the Border Act, also known as HCR 2060, is modeled after Texas' SB 4 and would authorize local, county, or state law enforcement to arrest non-U.S. citizens entering Arizona from Mexico outside of lawful ports of entry. SB 4 is currently under litigation in federal court. If upheld and approved by Arizona voters in November, this provision would take effect in Arizona 60 days after implementation in Texas.

Other provisions include harsher penalties for drug dealers trafficking fentanyl across the border leading to overdose deaths. The measure will also establish a state crime for individuals living illegally in Arizona who knowingly submit false information or documents when applying for government benefits or employment. Additionally, it will require state agencies administering benefits to use the federal Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements program alongside current state verification systems when determining eligibility of non-U.S. citizens.

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data, suspected terrorists entering the U.S illegally have increased by over 2500% since President Joe Biden took office. Federal agents apprehended 367 individuals on the terror watch list at both southern and northern borders between FY 2021 and FY 2024.

"The Governor's reckless disregard for the safety and well-being of our citizens has left us no other option than to send the Secure the Border Act to the ballot," said Senate President Warren Petersen.

"The people of Arizona have had enough with Democrats turning a blind eye to the border invasion," said Senator Janae Shamp. "The chaos Governor Hobbs and Democrat lawmakers are perpetuating needs to stop."

"Our sheriffs are in desperate need of action from their elected leaders," said Senator David Gowan. "Our citizens deserve safe communities, and our law enforcement officers deserve tools to protect them."

For more information, contact:

Kim Quintero

Director of Communications | Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus

