
Grand Canyon Times

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Biden's approval rating 'lowest of any president'; tally finds that Arizona’s Kelly sides with him 94.1% of the time

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Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly | Wikipedia Commons/Gage Skidmore

Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly | Wikipedia Commons/Gage Skidmore

Although President Joe Biden's approval rating fell below 40% in July, a study has shown that Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly has voted in line with Biden nearly 95% of the time.

According to a recent tally on FiveThirtyEight's website which follows the voting patterns of every member of Congress, Kelly, a Democrat, votes with Biden 94.1% of the time. Meanwhile, Gallup has reported that only 38% of respondents approve of the job Biden is doing. Among independent voters, only 31% approved. 

"Biden’s average approval rating 1.5 years in is the lowest of any President in Gallup poll’s 74-year history," Addison Smith, One America News Network host, said in a Tweet.

During Biden’s sixth quarter in office from April 20 through July 19, an average of 40% of Americans approved of the job he was doing as president, Gallup reported. No president elected to his first term has had a lower sixth-quarter average than Biden, with Jimmy Carter and Donald Trump coming closest, at 42% each, Gallup said.

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 recently passed the Senate in a 51-50 vote, addressing priorities related to climate change and healthcare with $430 billion in new government spending. 

According to Smart Asset, economists say inflation often is tied to government spending, causing leaders such as Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to say they expect inflation to get worse rather than better.

According to Gallup, 59% of Americans disapprove of Biden's job performance, the highest rate of negativity for him since taking office in January 2021.