Kristine Ward, Chief Financial Officer / Deputy Director | Arizona Department of Transportation
Kristine Ward, Chief Financial Officer / Deputy Director | Arizona Department of Transportation
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) has announced a temporary closure of southbound State Route 143 between Loop 202 (Red Mountain Freeway) and Interstate 10. The closure will occur from 10 p.m. on Friday, March 7, to 10 a.m. on Sunday, March 9, to facilitate a traffic shift. During this period, ramps from Loop 202 to southbound SR 143 will also be closed.
Additionally, several other ramps will be closed from 8 p.m. on Friday, March 7, until the same time on Sunday. These include the southbound SR 143 on-ramps at Washington Street, Sky Harbor Boulevard, and University Drive as well as the westbound Loop 202 off-ramp at Sky Harbor Boulevard.
ADOT advises motorists to use designated detours during the closure. For those traveling westbound on Loop 202 intending to access destinations south of the closure, it is recommended to take westbound Loop 202 to eastbound I-10. For eastbound travelers on Loop 202 seeking destinations south of the closure, they should use eastbound Loop 202 to southbound Loop 101 (Price Freeway), then continue onto westbound Loop 202 (Santan Freeway).
Access to the airport can be maintained by using southbound 44th Street from Loop 202.
Upon reopening of SR 143 after the scheduled work, new high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes will connect westbound I-10 with northbound SR 143 and vice versa for southbound SR 143 and eastbound I-10. Additionally, dual HOV lanes will become available in both directions on the I-10 mainline between US Route 60 and Interstate17.
ADOT emphasizes that schedules are subject to change due to weather or unforeseen circumstances and encourages drivers to stay informed through their mobile app "TheCurve" or by visiting their project website for updates.
This work is part of the larger I-10 Broadway Curve Improvement Project identified in Maricopa Association of Governments’ Regional Transportation Plan. Funded by a half-cent sales tax approved by Maricopa County voters in Proposition400 in2004,the project aims at reducing travel times during peak hours while improving airport access,supporting ridesharing,and preparing for future growth projections.